  • Departamento de Engenharia Mecatrônica
    Escola Politécnica - Universidade de São Paulo

D-Lab Research: D4PlanS

D-Lab Research: D4PlanS

Nesse In D-Lab Talk apresentamos o novo projeto de Inteligência Artificial do D-Lab, baseado em uma linha de pesquisa que o D-Lab desenvolve desde o final do século passado, e que gerou o sistema itSIMPLE: o desenvolvimento de um framework para o trabalhar com a 
Engenharia de Conhecimento associada aos problemas de planejamento.  A nova abordagem visa um framework na nuvem, baseada em MBSE e na modelagem de requisitos orientada a objetivos, com a possibilidade do uso de ontologias (além da OCL).

Atualizado em 06 de Julho de 2024, 20:20


Data de Início:
05/07/2024 01/01/2000
Data final:
05/07/2024 01/01/2000


Elinilson Vital

Master's student in Mechatronics Engineering at the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo, focusing on the theme Cloud Manufacturing Services (CMfgS): Modeling of automated production systems in the cloud. Graduated in Applied Mathematics in Mechanical Control and Automation from the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of the same university, focusing on formal requirements analysis, service science, distributed systems, knowledge bases, and data spaces. Demonstrates ability to apply mathematical and computational knowledge to solve complex problems and promote technological innovations. Practical experience includes data science, data grouping and their applications, as well as in modeling and analysis of automation systems, also in programming and simulation, including algorithms and data structures, concurrent and parallel programming, and numerical methods for differential equations. The main research interests are currently focused on deepening knowledge in Service Science and Data Spaces, aiming to develop innovative solutions that optimize business processes and increase technological efficiency in distributed environments, uniting mathematics, computing, and engineering.

Jose Reinaldo Silva

Bachelor in Physics from Bahia Federal University, got aMSc in Physics from Pernanbuco Federal University UFPE, and a MA in Computer Science from Mills College, USA. PhD in Computer Engineering by Universith of São Paulo and postdoc in Computer Science and in Systems Design Engineering at University of Waterloo, Ca. Research interests are in Engineering Systems Design, Requirements Engineering, Service Design Management and Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Planning & Scheduling, Formal Verification methods, Data Spaces and Digital Transformation towards Industry 4.0.

Leonardo Morais de Souza

Graduated in Control & Automation Engineering at FEI University and a MBA in Financial Risk Management at Saint Paul Business School. Master student at D-Lab working in a Dynamic and Agile Framework for Modeling Automated Systems in Frequent Evolution. Works at the Itaú Bank, in hight tech monitoring systems to detect financial irregular movements in accounts.

Luiz Fernando Ferreira da Silva

Graduated in Mechatronics by Escola Politécnica da USP with academic interests in programming and requirements analysis. Had an internship in MVISIA and work today ag WEG developing computer vision solutions in Python. Started to work in D-ab directing his interests to obtain a Master degree in the area of AI Planning.

Matheus Alexandrino Brito

Matheus is a undergad student in the Mechatronics course and has a scholarship from USP, associated to D-Lab. His interests are in automation processes, particularly those involving Artificial Intelligence and AI Planning. Therefore, he join the research line in AI Planning and Machine Intelligence and do the project DiPlant (Didatic Planning Tool) - a system for analyzing plans (or post-planning) expected to be used in the undergrad course PMR3510 Inteligência Artificial.

Yaney Gomez Correa

Graduate in Automatic Control at Universidade de Oriente, Cuba, and worked in automated systems associated to power supply and petroleum in this country. Got a MSc. at D-Lab in the subject of Service Automation Design applied to Healthcare, proposing assistant services on top of a building and residence automation. Ph.D. student at D-Lab working in Model-based Requirements and Hierarchical AI Planning.
