  • Departamento de Engenharia Mecatrônica
    Escola Politécnica - Universidade de São Paulo

Todos os Artigos

Exploring the frontiers of knowledge.

  • 2024

    • Daud Filho, A.C. ; Siilva, E.C.N. ; SILVA, J. R. ; Caurin, G. ; Belo, E.M., Transition Flight of a Concept of Lifting-Wing Quadcopter

    • Morais, Leonardo M., Correa, Y. G., Silva, J. Reinaldo, Model-Based Agile Design Approach: Toward Innovation in Product-Service Systems

  • 2023

    • Tavares, J. Jean-Paul; Silva, J.R., Towards an agile distributed management system based on Petri Nets

    • Silva, J.R.; Artaxo, P.; Vital, E.L., Forest Digital Twin: A Digital Transformation Approach for Monitoring Greenhouse Gas Emissions

    • Zapata, O.S.M.; Correa, Y.G.; Yoshioka, L.R.; Silva, J.R., Modeling Requirements for Collaborative Robotic Services


    • Santiago, S.B.; Silva, J.R., Strategic Roadmap for Digital Transformation Based on Measuring Industry 4.0 Maturity and Readiness

    • Mafei, A.S.; Pereira, E.S.S.; Ordonez, R.E.C.; Cordeiro, G.A.; Silva, J.R., Proposta de Procedimento para Gestão e Visualização de Dados no Contexto da Indústria 4.0

    • Tavares, J.J-P.Z.S.; Silva, J.R., Towards an Agile Distributed Management System Based on Petri Nets

    • Caurin, G.; Daud Filho, A.; Silva, J.R., Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Cooperation for the monitoring of Greenhouse Gases

  • 2022

    • Kleber N. Hodel, Jose Reinaldo Silva, Leopoldo R. Yoshioka, João Francisco Justo, Max M.D. Santos, FAT-AES: Systematic Methodology of Functional Testing for Automotive Embedded Software

    • Javier M. Silva, Pedro M.G. del Foyo, Arianna Z.S. Olivera, Jose Reinaldo Silva, Revisiting Requirement Engineering for Intelligent Manufacturing

    • Miguel Angel Orellana Postigo, Eduardo L. Pellini, Jose Reinaldo Silva, A Model-Based and Goal-Oriented Approach for the Conceptual Design of Smart Grid Services

    • PIna, I.B.; Marinho, R.M.; Marchan, E.M.; Yero, G.G.; Silva, J.R.; Alvaréz, J.M.; Miyagi, P.E., Diseño de Sistemas de Automatización Integrada

    • Postigo, M.A.O.; Pellini, E.L.; Silva, J.R., A Model-Based and Goal-Oriented Approach for the Conceptual Design of Smart Grid Services

  • 2021

    • Jose Reinaldo Silva; Euler Cassio Tavares Macedo; Yaney Gomez Correa; Rafael Pereira Medeiros, A Multilayer Proposal to a Smart Home Applied to Healthcare

    • Arianna Z. Olivera Salmon; Pedro M. Gonzalez del Foyo; Jose Reinaldo Silva, A Formal Approach to Requirements Engineering of Automated Systems

    • Miguel A. Orellana Postigo; Jose Reinaldo Silva, Microgrid System Design Based on Model Based Systems Engineering: the Case Study in the Amazon Region

    • Miguel Angel Orellana Postigo, Eduardo L. Pellini, Jose Reinaldo Silva, Proposta de método sistêmico baseado em modelos para Smart Grid

    • Jose Reinaldo Silva, Javier Martinez Silva, Automação no Pós-pandemia

    • Guilherme P.M. Bertelli, Jose Reinaldo Silva, Goal-Oriented Requirements Analysis Applied to Systems Engineering in Automotive ECU Development

  • 2020

    • Gabriel de Almeida Souza, Jose Jean-Paul Z. S. Tavares, Jose Reinaldo Silva, Towards Adaptive Discrete Event Control Based on PRD, PSS and Automatic Planning

    • Miguel A. Orellana Postigo; José Reinaldo Silva, Microgrid Systems Design Based on Model-Based Systems Engineering: Case Study on the Amazon Region

    • Jose Reinaldo Silva; Javier Martinez Silva; Tiago Stegun Vaquero, Formal Knowledge Engineering for Planniong: Pre and Post-desgn Analysis

    • Nakayama, R.S.; Spinola, M.M.,; Silva, J.R., Towards I4.0: a comprehensive analysis of evolution from I3.0 Computers & Industrial Engineering

    • Miguel Angel Orellana Postigo, Javier Martinez Silva, José Reinaldo Silva, Applying goal-oriented requirement engineering and refence architecture for microgrid systems

    • Jose Reinaldo Silva, Elinilson Vital, Towards a Formal Design to Service-Oriented Cloud Manufacturing

    • Miguel A. Orellana Postigo; Jose Reinaldo Silva, Microgrid System Design Based on Model Based Systems Engineering and Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering

  • 2019

    • Javier Martinez Silva, Jose Reinaldo Silva, A new hierarchical approach to requirement analysis of problems in automated planning

    • R. Claudio S. Gomes, Carlos Costa Jr., José Reinaldo Silva, Jose Ruben Sicchar, SmartLVGrid Platform—Convergence of Legacy Low-Voltage Circuits toward the Smart Grid Paradigm

    • Javier Martinez Silva, Raul Javales, Jose Reinaldo Silva, A New Requirements Engineering Approach for Manufacturing Based on Petri nets

    • Jose Rubem Sicchar, Carlos Tavares da Costa, Jose Reinaldo Silva, Raimundo Olveira, Weberston Oliveira, A Load-Balance System Design of Microgrid Cluster Based on Hierarchical Petri Nets


  • 2018

    • Postigo, M.A.O., Slva, J.M., Silva, J.R., Formal Requirements Specification for Mcrogrid Based in Architecture IEC61850

    • Sicchar, J. R., Silva, J.R., Tavares, C. A., Gadelha, V., Batista, L., Controller Model to Loa Balance in Urban Microgrids Using a Timed Hierarchical Petri Nets Approach

    • Nof, Shimon Y., Silva, J. Reinaldo, Perspectives on Manufacturing Automation Under the Digital and Cyber Convergence

    • Postigo, M.A.O., Silva, J.R., Modeling in Petri Nets for micro smart grid operation based on IEC 61850 architecture

    • Silva, J. Reinaldo, Silva, Javier M., Pereira, Celina ; Avram, Camelia, Dan-Stan, Sergiu, New Trends in Residential Automation

    • Emilio Silva and José Roberto Piqueira (eds.), Innovative Engineering for Global Challenges

    • Siilva, J.M., Silva, J.R., Salmon, A.Z.O., del Foyo, P.M.G., Requirements Engineering at a Glance: Comparing GORE and UML methods in the design of automated systems

    • Ferreira, M.V.M., J.J-P.Z.S. Tavares, Jose Reinaldo Silva, The Pheromone of Ant Emulated by Petri Net Inserted inversely in RFID Database for Swarm Robots

    • José Ruben Sicchar, Carlos Tavares da Costa Jr., José Reinaldo Silva, Raimundo C. Oliveira, Werbeston D. Oliveira, A Load-Balance System Design of Microgrid Cluster Based on Hierarchical Petri Nets

    • Silva, J.R., Justo, J.R., John, V.M., Silva, E.C.N., The Era of Engineering Grand Challenges

  • 2017

    • R.C.S. Gomes, C.T. da Costa, J. R. Silva, P.R.N. da Silva, Automation meta-systems applied to smart grid convergene of low voltage distribution legacy grids

    • Pedro M. G. del Foyo and José Reinaldo Silva, Improving the Verification of Real-Time Systems Using Time Petri Nets

    • José Ruben Sicchar, Carlos Tavares da Costa Jr., José Reinaldo Silva, CONTROLADOR LOCAL DE BALANCEAMENTO DE CARGA PARA µGRIDS

    • Walter Lima Jr., José Reinaldo Silva, Nilberto de Sá, Licklider's fundamental ideas in ‘Man-computer symbiosis’ reemerge in the concepts of Cognitive Computing: a bibliometric study

    • Benitez-Pina, I. F. and Lamar-Carbonell, S. and Silva, R. M. and Miyagi, P. E. and Silva, J. R., Design of Automatic Control System Based on unified timed hybrid Petri Nets


  • 2016

    • Basbaum, Rosi and Silva, Javier Martinez and Silva, Reinaldo, Using Hierarchical Models for Requirement Analysis of Real World Problems in Automated Planning

    • Dutra, Diogo S. and Silva, Jose Reinaldo, Product-Service Architecture (PSA): towards a Service Engineering perspective in Industry 4.0

    • Melani, A. H. A. and Silva, Javier Martinez and de Souza, Gilberto F.M. and Silva, Jos{\'{e}} Reinaldo, Fault diagnosis based on Petri Nets: the case studie of a power hydropower plant

    • Sicchar, Jos{\'{e}} Ruben and Silva, Jos{\'{e}} Reinaldo and {Da Costa Tavares Jr., Load Balancing Process Analysis in Low Volatge Grid using Petri Nets

    • Sicchar, J.R. and Silva, J. R. and {Da Costa T. Jr., Load Balancing System to Low Voltage Grid using Petri Nets

    • Silva, Javier Martinez, Using GORE method for Requirement Engineering of Planning & Scheduling

    • Melani, Arthur H.A. and Silva, Javier Martinez and de Souza, Gilberto F.M. and Silva, José Reinaldo, Fault diagnosis based on Petri Nets: the case study of a hydropower plant

  • 2015

    • Silva, Javier Martiınez and Silva, Jose Reinaldo, Using Goal-oriented Requirements Analysis in the Design of Product-Service Manufacturing

    • Candido, Roberto and Martinez, Javier and Silva, José Reinaldo, Using RFID technology to enhance quality information to products in agribusiness supply chain

    • Silva, Javier Martinez and Silva, José Reinaldo, Combining KAOS and GHENeSys in the requirement and analysis of service manufacturing

    • Silva, Jose Reinaldo and Nof, Shimon Y., Manufacturing Service: From e-work and Service-Oriented Approach towards a Product-Service

    • Silva, Javier Martinez and Silva, Jose Reinaldo, ScienceDirect

    • Sicchar, J. R. and {Da Costa Tavares Jr., Macro-agente de Previsi{\'{o}}n de Consumo de Energ{\'{i}}a en Smart Grids de Baja Tensi{\'{o}}n

    • Moghaddam, Mohsen and Silva, Jos{\'{e}} Reinaldo and Nof, Shimon Y., Manufacturing-as-a-service: From e-work and Service-Oriented Architecture to the Cloud Manufacturing Paradigm

    • Tuncay Ercan, Effective use of cloud computing in educational institutions

    • Sicchar, Jos{\'{e}} R. and {Da Costa T. Jr., Gerenciamento de Consumo de Energia em Resid{\^{e}}ncias com Frame GCR

    • de Oliveira, Valter Castelhano and Silva, Jos{\'{e}} Reinaldo, A service-oriented framework to the design of information system service

    • Tsuzuki, Marcos De Sales Guerra and Silva, Jos{\'{e}} Reinaldo and Pereira, Carlos Eduardo, Special section on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems

  • 2014

    • Ferrarezi, Rodrigo Cesar and Junior, Reinaldo Squillante and Souza, Jefferson A. L. and Silva, José Reinaldo and Junqueira, Fabricio, and Miyagi, Paulo Eigi and Moscato, Lucas Antonio, and Okamoto, Jun and Santos, Diolino J., A Framework for Modeling and Formal Verification of SIS Control Programs Based on the IEC61511 Standard

    • Sicchar, Jos{\'{e}} R. and {Da Costa T. Jr., Algoritmo GCR para Unidades Consumidoras de Smart Grids de Baja Tensi{\'{o}}n

    • Sicchar, Jos{\'{e}} R. and {Da Costa T. Jr., Intelig{\^{e}}ncia GCR para Smart Grids de Baixa Tens{\~{a}}o

    • Salmon, A. Z. O. and del Foyo, P. M. G. and Silva, J. R., Verification of Automated Systems Using Invariants

  • 2013

    • Basbaum, Rosimarci Tonaco and Vaquero, Tiago Stegun and Silva, José Reinaldo, Requirement Analysis Method for Real World in Automated Planning Systems

    • Vaquero, T. S. and Silva, J. R. and Tonidandel, F. and Beck, J. C., itSIMPLE: Towards an Integrated Design System for Real Planning Applications

    • Sicchar, Jos{\'{e}} R. and {De Freitas, Modelo de Gerenciamiento de Consumo de Energ{\'{i}}a El{\'{e}}ctrica Residencial en Smart Grids

    • Sicchar, Jos{\'{e}} R. and {De Freitas, Intelig{\^{e}}ncia HCR para Automa{\c{c}}{\~{a}}o de Servi{\c{c}}os em Smart Grids de Baixa Tens{\~{a}}o

  • 2012

    • Vaquero, Tiago S. and Costa, Gustavo and Tonidandel, Flavio and Igreja, Haroldo and Silva, Jos{\'{e}} Reinaldo and Beck, J. Christopher, Planning Ship Operations on Petroleum Ports and Platforms

    • Silva, Jos{\'{e}} Reinaldo and del Foyo, Pedro M G, Timed Petri Nets

    • Sicchar, JR and Freitas, RC and Tavares, C and Oliveira, H, Aproxima{\c{c}}{\~{a}}o Markoviana para modelagem de estados de consumo de energia el{\'{e}}trica em resid{\^{e}}ncias

    • Sicchar, Jos{\'{e}} R. and Tavares, Carlos Jr. and Salmon, Arianna O. and Silva, Jos{\'{e}} R., Modelo de Algoritmo de Gerenciamiento de Smart Grid para Consumo de Energ{\'{i}}a El{\'{e}}ctrica

    • Sicchar, Jos{\'{e}} R. and {Tavares Jr., Arquitetura IGCR para gerenciamento de consumo residencial de energia

    • McCluskey, L. and Williams, B. and Silva, J.R. and Bonet, B., ICAPS 2012 - Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling: Preface

  • 2011

    • Gonzalez, Pedro M and Salmon, Arianna Olivera and Silva, José Reinaldo, REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS OF AUTOMATED PROJECTS USING UML / PETRI NETS

    • Tonaco, Rosimarci Pacheco and Vaquero, Tiago Stegun and Silva, Jos{\'{e}} Reinaldo, Analise Dinamica de Domınios utilizando Redes de Petri Derivadas de Diagramas UML

    • Sicchar, Jos{\'{e}} R. and Tavares, Costa and Salmon, Arianna and Silva, Jos{\'{e}} R. and Pina, Israel F. and Gomes, Raimundo C., Sistema inteligente para an{\'{a}}lise de consumo de energia el{\'{e}}trica em smart grid de baixa tens{\~{a}}o

  • 2009


    • Silva, Jose Reinaldo and Armando, Jos{\'{e}} and Pedro, San and Salmon, Arianna Olivera and Gonzalez, Pedro M, INTRODUCING OBJECT-ORIENTATION IN UNIFIED PETRI NET APPROACH

    • Candido, Roberto and Silva, J.R., Estrategia Oceano Azul como forma de dar Suporte à Aplicação de RFID no Rastreamento Bovino

  • 2008

    • , Relatório Final de Pós-doutorado

    • Silva, J. R., Benitez, I., Villafruela, Luisa, Gomis, Oriol, Sudriá, Antony, Modeling extended Petri nets compatible with GHENeSys IEC61131 for industrial automation

  • 2007

    • Silva, José Reinaldo and Benitez, Israel and Villafruela, Luisa and Gomis, Oriol and Sudriá, Modeling extended Petri nets compatible with GHENeSys IEC61131 for industrial automation

    • Vaquero, Tiago S and Romero, Victor and Sette, Fernando M, itSIMPLE 2 . 0 : An Integrated Tool for Designing Planning Domains

    • Vaquero, Tiago Stegun and Romero, Victor and Tonidandel, Flavio and Silva, Reinaldo, itSIMPLE 2 . 0 : An Integrated Tool for Designing Planning Domains

    • Romero, Victor and Vaquero, Tiago and Tonidandel, Flavio and Silva, Jos{\'{e}} Reinaldo, Analysis and management of plans provided by automated planning systems

  • 2006

    • Tonidandel, Flavio and Vaquero, Tiago Stegun and Silva, Jos{\'{e}} Reinaldo, Reading PDDL, Writing an Object-Oriented Model

    • Silva, José Reinaldo; Drira, Khalil; Rosario, João Mauricio, A PROPOSAL TO MODEL COLLABORATIVE WORK : THE CASE STUDY OF A RESEARCH NETWORK

  • 1999

    • , Orientación a objeto en PLCs para aumentar la seguridad de los sistemas de control distribuido