Requirement Analysis Method for Real World in Automated Planning Systems
Basbaum, Rosimarci Tonaco and Vaquero, Tiago Stegun and Silva, José Reinaldo
- Journal
- Autor
- Basbaum, Rosimarci Tonaco and Vaquero, Tiago Stegun and Silva, José Reinaldo
- Book Title
- Proc. of ICAPS 2013
- Volume
- 0
- Página(s)
- Published
- 2013
- Month
- 0
- Tipo de Documento
- Conference Proceedings
- Abstract
- On the intelligent design field the requirement analysis phase has a fundamental role in automated planningespecially for ”real life” systems - because it has the ability to identify or redesign variables which can potentially increase the model accuracy generated by the automated planner. A great effort has been made today in the area of Artificial Intelligence for defining reliable automated planning systems that can be applied for real life applications. That leads to the need for systematic design process, in which the initial phases are not neglected and where Knowledge and Requirement Engineering tools have a fundamental role for supporting designers. This paper intent to investigate design methods as well as perform a more detailed study on the adoption of UML and Petri Nets in the requirement analysis phase using the itSIMPLE framework as a KE tool.
- Keywords
- AI planning,automated planning,domain analysis,planning design
- Publisher
- AAAI Press