Algoritmo GCR para Unidades Consumidoras de Smart Grids de Baja Tensi{\'{o}}n
Sicchar, Jos{\'{e}} R. and {Da Costa T. Jr.
- Journal
- Autor
- Sicchar, Jos{\'{e}} R. and {Da Costa T. Jr.
- Book Title
- Proc. XVI CLCA 2014
- Volume
- 0
- Página(s)
- 1295--1300
- Published
- 2014
- Month
- 0
- Tipo de Documento
- Conference Proceedings
- Abstract
- This paper presents the results of low voltage smart grid intelligence to energy managing consumption in the final consumers. Which is developing based on specific processing macro-agents with embedded algorithms. This is called Final Management Consumption intelligence and it shows the energy consumption forecast during a future year, based on the history of discrete states energy use, and also the equilibrium power diagnosis between residential feeders. The first Macro-agent is formed by a modeling process based on jump Markov chain to energy forecasting; and the second Macro-Agent by a Mamdani Fuzzy inference for equilibrium phase's diagnosis. The benefits generated by this model among others are: the equilibrium into residential feeders and the power losses decrease on low voltage distributed grid and consequently reducing the risk of burning transformers. Therefore establishes an intelligent automation process for low voltage smart grids.
- Keywords
- EMS Intelligence,Fuzzy Systems.,Macro-agents,Markov Chains,Smart Grids
- Publisher