Towards a Formal Design to Service-Oriented Cloud Manufacturing
Jose Reinaldo Silva, Elinilson Vital
- Journal
- Autor
- Jose Reinaldo Silva, Elinilson Vital
- Book Title
- Anais do CBA 2020
- Volume
- 0
- Página(s)
- 10.48011/asba.v2i1.1241
- Published
- 2020
- Month
- 0
- Tipo de Documento
- Conference Proceedings
- Abstract
- Since the beginning of this century, there is a paradigm shift concerning production, pushed by digital convergence, and the need to change the world’s energy balance drastically.New production systems tend to become distributed, cloud-based, service-oriented, and anthropocentric, alternating full automation and collaborative human participation. This scenario demands a revision of design methods applied to manufacture systems and integration between new and classic methods. This article brings a proposal to integrate cloud-based and service-oriented systems by a framework capable of supporting design methods suitable to compose a distributed set of manufacturing services (CMfgS).
- Keywords
- service design; cloud manufacturing; model based systems engineering; product-service systems
- Publisher
- Anais do CBA2020, SBA - Sociedade Brasileira de Automática