Model-Based Agile Design Approach: Toward Innovation in Product-Service Systems
Morais, Leonardo M., Correa, Y. G., Silva, J. Reinaldo
- Journal
- Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
- Autor
- Morais, Leonardo M., Correa, Y. G., Silva, J. Reinaldo
- Book Title
- Innovation in Industrial Engineering III
- Volume
- Página(s)
- 88-99
- 10.1007/978-3-031-61582-5_8
- Published
- 2024
- Month
- Tipo de Documento
- Seção de Livro
- Abstract
- The intense demand for innovation generates intensive and frequent design changes in product and automation systems. High com-petition now derives from the ability to quickly respond to all demands, from requirements to technological novelties to variations in consumer preferences in the market. Therefore, innovation might depend on in-vestments in design and value co-creation, considering the prevalence of product-service systems, including technology-based startups. Minimum Viable Product-Service (MVPS) should evolve in reliable steps that do not demand a long design cycle. The main problems are managing com-plexity, demanding formal modeling approaches, accelerated elicitation, and hyper-awareness. Agile methods should be merged with systems de-sign, especially model-based methods. This article brings the direction of research work to provide a model-based agile design approach to fulfill this demand.
- Keywords
- product-service systems, agile design, mode-based requirements engineering
- Publisher
- Springer