Planning Ship Operations on Petroleum Ports and Platforms
Vaquero, Tiago S. and Costa, Gustavo and Tonidandel, Flavio and Igreja, Haroldo and Silva, Jos{\'{e}} Reinaldo and Beck, J. Christopher
- Journal
- Autor
- Vaquero, Tiago S. and Costa, Gustavo and Tonidandel, Flavio and Igreja, Haroldo and Silva, Jos{\'{e}} Reinaldo and Beck, J. Christopher
- Book Title
- Proc. of ICAPS 2012
- Volume
- 0
- Página(s)
- Published
- 2012
- Month
- 0
- Tipo de Documento
- Conference Proceedings
- Abstract
- In this paper, we address the process of modeling planning and scheduling ship operations on petroleum platforms and ports. The general problem to be solved is based on the transportation and delivery of a list of requested cargo to different locations considering a number of constraints and elements based on a real problem of Petrobras – the Brazilian Petroleum Company. The objective is to optimize a set of costs brought by the execution of a schedule. Modeling the problem in UML and then translating to PDDL is shown to be feasible and practical by using itSIMPLE. However, although domain-independent planners can provide valid solutions to simplified versions of the problem, they struggle with a more realistic version.
- Keywords
- AI planning
- Publisher
- AAAI Press