Gerenciamento de Consumo de Energia em Resid{\^{e}}ncias com Frame GCR
Sicchar, Jos{\'{e}} R. and {Da Costa T. Jr.
- Journal
- Autor
- Sicchar, Jos{\'{e}} R. and {Da Costa T. Jr.
- Book Title
- Proc. XII Simp{\'{o}}sio Bras. Automa{\c{c}}{\~{a}}o Intel. 2015
- Volume
- 0
- Página(s)
- 1--6
- Published
- 2015
- Month
- 0
- Tipo de Documento
- Conference Proceedings
- Abstract
- This article presents the results of the Residential Energy Management Consumption system, as a support tool for the final consumers within the context of the Demand Response. It consists in two intelligent macro agents, first it's based on Mamdani Fuzzy system throughout is obtained the boundary conditions of the current consumption into power residential feed- ers based on inner variables as the energy consumption and their variation, and external as the energy price and the variation of the radiation solar. Second it's based on jump Markov chains that forecast the energy monthly consumption in twelve steps ahead. In order to the obtained results is possible stablished some scenarios to the energy consumption scheduling, as well all the power equilibrium diagnose in the final consumption units.
- Keywords
- Fuzzy systems.,Macro agents,Markov chains,Smart Grid
- Publisher