Analise Dinamica de Domınios utilizando Redes de Petri Derivadas de Diagramas UML
Tonaco, Rosimarci Pacheco and Vaquero, Tiago Stegun and Silva, Jos{\'{e}} Reinaldo
- Journal
- Autor
- Tonaco, Rosimarci Pacheco and Vaquero, Tiago Stegun and Silva, Jos{\'{e}} Reinaldo
- Book Title
- Proc. of SBAI 2011
- Volume
- 0
- Página(s)
- Published
- 2011
- Month
- 0
- Tipo de Documento
- Conference Proceedings
- Abstract
- A great amount of applications in automation and machine intelligence is connected with ordering a sequence of actions to reach an intended state, which is called planning. In many of these applications there is not a unique action that to each state, and Arti cial Intelligence (AI) must be used to nd a solution. In such cases a good de nition of the application domain - composed of the domain environment and a plan problem - is the key issue. More recently the planning community start looking for techniques and tools to re ne models, in what is called Model Driven Engineering, including also veri cation techniques. These article presents a process analysis for the dynamics of automated plans based on classic Petri Nets. The analysis is made over requirements elicited in UML by a tool called itSIMPLE, also developed for some of the authors. A key point is just which property could be used in this early stage of the process to validate the sequence of model re nement. Some case studies are presented, based on problems used in the International Knowledge Engineering Design Competition.
- Keywords
- AI Planning,AI planning,an{\'{a}}lise de dom{\'{i}}nios,planning design
- Publisher