Intelig{\^{e}}ncia GCR para Smart Grids de Baixa Tens{\~{a}}o
Sicchar, Jos{\'{e}} R. and {Da Costa T. Jr.
- Journal
- Autor
- Sicchar, Jos{\'{e}} R. and {Da Costa T. Jr.
- Book Title
- Proc. XX CBA 2014
- Volume
- 0
- Página(s)
- 1--8
- Published
- 2014
- Month
- 0
- Tipo de Documento
- Conference Proceedings
- Abstract
- Nowadays around the world Smart Grids are developing algorithms of energy managing consumption focused to the final consumers. So this article presents the new results of the Consumption Managing Intelligence algorithm to services auto- mation in Low Voltage Smart Grids, based on Embedded Intelligent Agents. In a particular way the process of forecast energy consumption is so important for the programming of energy future use to ended costumers. In this paper we explained the Em- bedded Markovian Agent based on jump Markov chain to the forecasting energy consumption in a residential consumer unit with three phase connection, and show the energy consumption during twelve months, from history data base in each phase. These results represented the validation of an important tool for the forecast process into low voltage distribution grid and also in the programming residential sector of energy consumption. For the other hand these results forming the bases for an intelligent automation process to the Low Voltage Smart Grid, that allow the applications of news services for residential consumers: the energy programming consumption, the customized energy use, and the equilibrium state of residential feeders.
- Keywords
- Energy Managing Consumption Intelligences,Forecasting Energy Consumption.,Markov Chains,Smart Grids.
- Publisher