Sistema inteligente para an{\'{a}}lise de consumo de energia el{\'{e}}trica em smart grid de baixa tens{\~{a}}o
Sicchar, Jos{\'{e}} R. and Tavares, Costa and Salmon, Arianna and Silva, Jos{\'{e}} R. and Pina, Israel F. and Gomes, Raimundo C.
- Journal
- Autor
- Sicchar, Jos{\'{e}} R. and Tavares, Costa and Salmon, Arianna and Silva, Jos{\'{e}} R. and Pina, Israel F. and Gomes, Raimundo C.
- Book Title
- Proc. X SBAI 2011
- Volume
- 0
- Página(s)
- 1--6
- Published
- 2011
- Month
- 0
- Tipo de Documento
- Conference Proceedings
- Abstract
- This paper proposes a discrete events system modeling- DES about a power consume hybrid algorithm from domestic smart grids-SG using a DES new paradigm based on UML-PN technique. The objective is modeling and verify formally the insertion dynamic design of the suggest intelligence in a residential SG. The model connecting the data obtains, classification, program and forecast simulation and also the optimal arrange commutation selection send from balancing power phases with a SG telesupervision module. The mean benefit it is to provide from distribution power energy concessionaries and customers an alternative methodology about the algorithms models development to low voltage power energy consume analysis.
- Keywords
- Discrete events system,Fuzzy system,Markov chains,Petri nets,Smart Grids,UML.
- Publisher