  • Departamento de Engenharia Mecatrônica
    Escola Politécnica - Universidade de São Paulo

Goal-Oriented Requirements Analysis Applied to Systems Engineering in Automotive ECU Development

Guilherme P.M. Bertelli, Jose Reinaldo Silva

COBEM 2021 
Guilherme P.M. Bertelli, Jose Reinaldo Silva 
Book Title 
Tipo de Documento 
Conference Proceedings 
Integrating Systems Engineering into complex systems development in an iterative and incremental software delivery approach is challenging given its latter's adaptive outlook. This challenge is further enhanced when the target system-to-be is an embedded system for the automotive industry, implying in other parallel activities in Mechanical Engineering, Hardware Engineering, Manufacturing, and DevOps, all directly serving as interfaces and constraints for the development. Requirements engineering value comes in the thoughtful analysis of stakeholder needs and technical specifications to define the system requirements, usually considering a defined scope and timing for system specification. In a Scrum-guided Software development approach, stakeholders change their vision, and so do system requirements and the product backlog. Therefore, requirements analysis tasks must be conducted iteratively throughout the system development, evaluating the changes and impacts on the system requirements, system architecture, manufacturing, mechanical, and hardware assessments. Hence, this paper proposes integrating a goal-oriented requirements analysis cycle in the Systems Engineering V Model and evaluating the impacts across the process phases (system architecture, system requirements, development, testing) in the context of automotive ECU (Electronic Control Unit) development. The Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering relies on semi-formal modeling using KAOS, which is used as a method for requirements specification organization, representing high-level goals interdependence. The result is a framework that integrates goal modeling into the Systems Engineering V-Model Concept in an Agile software development project. The case study brings some insights into using goals as an important factor for traceability - which is crucial to maintenance, and how goal-oriented requirements analysis can aid in adding value do the product increment. 