SmartLVGrid Platform—Convergence of Legacy Low-Voltage Circuits toward the Smart Grid Paradigm
R. Claudio S. Gomes, Carlos Costa Jr., José Reinaldo Silva, Jose Ruben Sicchar
- Journal
- Energies
- Autor
- R. Claudio S. Gomes, Carlos Costa Jr., José Reinaldo Silva, Jose Ruben Sicchar
- Book Title
- Volume
- 12
- Página(s)
- Published
- 2019
- Month
- 0
- Tipo de Documento
- Conference Proceedings
- Abstract
- The current electrical system is transitioning towards a new technological model called the smart grid. The transition duration between the traditional Electric Power System (EPS) and the full smart grid depends on well-designed strategic plans, implementing transition models that are as close to smart grids as possible, based on the processes and technological resources available at the time, but always considering their economic feasibility, without which no solution thrives. In this article, we present a method for convergence of the traditional power distribution grid to the smart grid paradigm by retrofitting the legacy circuits that compose this grid. Our results indicate that the application of such a method, through a distributed system platform with integrated technological resources added to the legacy infrastructure, converts these passive grids into intelligent circuits capable of supporting the implementation of a smart grid with a broad scope of functionalities. Based on a novel retrofitting strategy, the solution is free from the cost of replacing or significantly modifying the legacy infrastructure, as verified in deploying other currently available solutions.
- Keywords
- low-voltage distribution grid automation; smart circuits; smart grid convergence
- Publisher