Aproxima{\c{c}}{\~{a}}o Markoviana para modelagem de estados de consumo de energia el{\'{e}}trica em resid{\^{e}}ncias
Sicchar, JR and Freitas, RC and Tavares, C and Oliveira, H
- Journal
- Autor
- Sicchar, JR and Freitas, RC and Tavares, C and Oliveira, H
- Book Title
- Proc. II SBSE 2012
- Volume
- 0
- Página(s)
- 1--6
- Published
- 2012
- Month
- 0
- Tipo de Documento
- Conference Proceedings
- Abstract
- This paper presents a new approach in modeling the energy consumption for connecting residential feeders through a special stochastic model: Markov chains applied to load analysis for Low Voltage Smart Grids. The proposed model performs a step discretization of consumption levels and consumer profile for each residential feeder. The results indicate the validation of such a residential energy model, showing also that the prospect consumption of residential consumers can be used in the planning the own energy consumption by considered a random profile in each month.
- Keywords
- Consumption and Forecasting of Residential Electri,Fuzzy systems.,Markov Chains,Smart Grid.
- Publisher
- http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en{\&}btnG=Search{\&}q=intitle:Aproxima{\c{c}}{\~{a}}o+Markoviana+para+modelagem+de+estados+de+consumo+de+energia+el{\'{e}}trica+em+resid{\^{e}}ncias{\#}0