Formal verification & Petri Nets
Grupo de Pesquisa

The Formal Verification & Petri Nets Group is concerned with the use of formal approaches to Engineering Design -, especially to automated systems. The goal is to develop methods for analysis and design associated with Model-Based Engineering using Petri Nets (PN). We use PN-approaches based on the standard ISO/IEC 15.909, which defines classic Place/Transition nets and High-Level Nets, a transfer language - PNML - and several user extensions. The main goal is focused on extensions and its formalization following the standard.
Extensions are hierarchy, time slice, and Time Petri Nets. Verification approaches can be based on model-checking, property analysis, and/or invariants.
Applications would include embedded information systems and (discrete) control, workflow, and to particular domains such as Smart Homes or Smart Grids.
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03 de Julho de 2024, 22:49