  • Departamento de Engenharia Mecatrônica
    Escola Politécnica - Universidade de São Paulo


All our partnership.

Israel Benitez Piña

Israel Benitez Piña tem graduação em Controle Automático na Universidad de Oriente, Cuba, e também fez seu doutorado na mesma Universidade, tendo o coordenador do D-Lab como avaliador externo da tese. Fez pós-doutorado no D-Lab com o tema Modelagem em Redes de Petri para sistemas de controle com PLCs, também sob a supervisão do Prof. José Reinaldo Silva. Foi coordenador pela Universidad de Oriente do projeto de cooperação binacional Brasil-Cuba (CAPES-MES) no tema Modelagem e Design de Sistemas Automatizados (MODESA), entre 2008 e 2010. Atuou ainda, juntamente com o D-Lab no projeto Alpha da Comunidade Européia, de 2002 a 2005, em rede formada pela Universidade Politécnica de Barcelona, Universidade do Porto, Universidade de São Paulo (D-Lab), Universidad de San Juan (Argentina) e Universidad de Oriente (Cuba). Hoje é professor da Universidad de Oriente e orientador de trabalhos em Modelagem em Redes de Petri.

Javier Martinez Silva

Javier Martinez Silva pertence ao Instituto Eldorado, um instituto de pesquisa dedicado à tecnologia e inovação em diferentes áreas. O centro de pesquisa está localizado em Campinas, São Paulo, perto de um dos maiores centros industriais do país. Javier obteve o doutora e também fez o pós-doutorado orientado e supervisionado pelo Prof. José Reinaldo Silva. Hoje é um colaborador do D-Lab na área de automação e  Inteligência Artificial - especialmente planejamento inteligente - e na verificação formal de requisitos orientados a objetivos e verificados formalmente em Redes de Petri.  

Manufacturing Automation Planning Lab - UFU

 MAPL is a Lab located at the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, and coordinated by Prof. José Jean-Paul Z. S. Tavares, who got his master and doctor degree in D-Lab. Prof. Jean-Paul PhD theme was in the planning and design of the manufacturing process specially when time - considered as a parameter, not real time - was a concern. The case study was concentrated in the automotive industry, specially on workflow of material, that is, welding blanks, where the time of storage could cause disruptive effects. While in D-Lab Prof. Jean-Paulo also developed by himself a distributed design architecture for RFID applications where he introduced a small Elementary Petri Net in the RFID tag memory to spread dynamic instructions together with the static information.

Today he collaborate in the research about planning in manufacturing automation using itSIMPLE and in the new formalism of unified net to give support to the his RFID distributed architecture.  

Pedro Manuel Gonzalez del Foyo

  Pedro is a former USP graduate student and took a master degree and PhD in D-Lab. Today he is an associate professor at the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil. His research interests are in collaboration with D-Lab are directed to formal modeling of discrete systems, supervisory systems, model checking, production planning and scheduling.  

Walter Teixeira Lima Junior

Graduated in Communications and got a PhD, in this subject, in the Communication School at USP. Member of the interdisciplinary group Cognitio that integrated researchers of different departments in USP to study Cognitive Science. Pos-doc in D-Lab, when studied man-machine symbiosis and its history since the seminal work of J.C.R. Licklider. Participated in the founding of another research group called HUMANIS in USP and is now the leader of this group based on the Federal University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP). Current head of the Institutional Communication Dept. at UNIFESP and professor in the graduate interdisciplinary course of Technological Innovation. His current research interested is based on the application of Artificial Cognitive Systems to assist elderly people with dementia syndrome.